I have learned that what we think about has the greatest impact on our success.
Learning to monitor my thoughts and cut out negative thinking has helped me grow personally and professionally! As an entrepreneur, it is so important to not allow negativity to take root and derail us – especially when things are frustrating or challenging,
You can change your life for the better.
You can change your mindset to be more positive.
Speaking words of positivity and possibility will shift your thoughts.
Adding affirmations to your day will help you create a positive mindset.
Begin with simple statements to build your self-confidence…
I will do my best
I have got what it takes
I believe in myself
To make them more effective, you have to
Say them in the present tense
Make them concrete
Practice daily
It may feel awkward at first, but saying them daily will reprogram your subconscious.
It takes work to stay positive and one way to help cultivate a positive mindset is through affirmations.
Not wishful thinking, but actually positive words we speak to ourselves to create a new mindset.
Instead of: This is too hard. Say: I can do hard things.
Instead of: I am not smart enough Say: I am smart and I can learn new things.
Instead of: What if I fail? Say: What if I succeed?
Speak words of life and possibility over yourself! I do this every day! On the hardest days when I am feeling discouraged, I will say “I can do this!” over and over again as reprogram my brain to think and move in possibility. It helps stop the barrage of negative thoughts and reminds me that I actually CAN do this!
How do stay positive in challenging times?
What affirmations do you practice daily?