Shine your light…Share your light
Shine your light, share your light…Be willing to share out light and offer it to others.
We lose nothing by sharing our light…we gain in the giving…
strike a match and the glow invades a dark room…
Light a candle…
the light stays and grows,
not a burst of light quick to fade no…
a sustained light.. soft, safe, beckoning drawing us in, bids us come close.
shine your light… share your light willingly light another’s candle…
the warmth, brightness, welcoming grows.
I love our Candlelight Christmas Eve service.
Lights are out, Silent Night in acapella harmonies… and one by one the light is passed.
one candle to the next…and then another… a string of light…
candle to candle person to person until the room glows… bright with the light of Christ shining forth from His people.
shine your light…
share your light… the world becomes brighter.
Think about a time someone shared their light with you…how did it change your mood, your day.. your light?
Comment below and feel free to share on FB! Thanks