my son got his drivers license and he has wheels…
he is a good driver, we taught him how to drive a stick…his dad taught him the technical stuff, i told him to feel when to shift and not think so hard ๐
it is strange not having to pick up or drop off– and even strange to send him out for his last minute “oh I forgot” needs…
it really is a right of passage
for both of us!ย parents and kid.
Each time our children got their drivers permits life changed…but this time it is our LAST child, and we have no more carpooling to do…imagine that!
no more late night calls… can you come pick me up, can you drive Bobby home—ever
no more learning all the little details you overhear in the car while your kids talk with their friends
no more listening to music together while you drive them, and they don’t want to talk about anything…
changes… the only constant.