Managing ‘What Ifs’
What if my business plan fails? What if a crisis occurs during sales operations? What if my marketing strategy does not work out?
I have had all these thoughts, and when I let them take root, they derailed my success.
Did you know how much your thoughts impact your performance? What we think about directly affects our activities and our results. It is difficult to take confident action when we are caught up in negative “What if’s?”
A positive mindset may not stop the negative ‘what if’ thoughts, but it will help stop them from taking over. We don’t get to choose what we feel, but we do get to choose what thoughts dominate our mindset. but makes you confident and in control while making any business decision. With a positive mindset, you become confident and in control of the situation and make better business decisions without hesitation.
Reverse Negative Thoughts
If you dwell on the negative What If’s you will see them come to pass, or you will be paralyzed to take confident proactive action. Reverse the thought process and look at your business plan or decision’s positive aspects. I tell my clients – and myself – to always play both sides of the What if game. When the negative What if’s pop up in your thoughts, take time to formulate the opposite outcome and say it out loud. “What if it works out? What if the sales go through? What if they say yes? What if I succeed?” When you combat negative thoughts with positive outcome possibilities, you shift your mindset and your energy.
This shifts a problem into an opportunity to achieve something good.
Focus on the positive side of ‘What ifs’ and believe they are possible! It will motivate you to achieve them. Instead of thinking, ‘What if my product fails in the market?’ Focus your energy on ‘What if my product is successful?’ This way, you will be ready for new experiences and opportunities.
How do you manage your ‘What ifs’?