leaving fear…choosing freedom
Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement, thoughts and prayers these past few days. I appreciate each of you.
For the next three days I will be writing… my first book! Ironically, it is not the one I thought it would be writing first. I have been crafting that one for years, but it will wait a bit longer. The book I am sitting down to write at a write your book in a weekend workshop is one that God has laid on my mind and heart as I am re-launching my business and doing some re-branding. I am excited about the content! And I am giving up control and trusting the coaches and advisers I have hired to guide me in the process and order of what book to write when. Does that make sense? Basically, this book will have a wider reach and be a jumping off point for more business growth, being able to bless, encourage, inspire and more people AND thus lead to more time to write , speak and teach about other areas of growth and relationships that I am passionate about.
This is a risk for me. I have been writing for as long as I can remember, books, journals, notes, essays, and countless school papers. I have been talking about writing a book for years and I am actually finally going to get it done! I am excited. I am scared. The very act of writing is a joy and I am excited about what these next few days will bring. And at the same time, I am scare of failing…
I have decided to redefine failing as “not trying” – as giving up on my dream by giving into my fears… so just by taking part in this workshop and declaring my intention to write the book means I haven’t/wont fail. I am praying that God takes my fears away and or gives me strength to not let them stop me. I am sending my inner critics (yes there are quite a few of them, with very loud voices) packing! I am stepping out in faith and trust and pursuing a lifelong dream!
fears/struggles as I head into the weekend:
- trusting that this is the way to go, the first book to write doesn’t have to be THE book, my legacy book, I have dreamed of writing for years.. and that He has the perfect “plan and timing” for “that book.”
- giving up control of my plans and following the wise council of my business coach and writing coach.
- having the stamina to actually write while recovering from illness
- commitment to follow it through to the end- published and on the amazon best seller list
- give up perfectionism and choosing to “just do it”
- trusting that what I write will be a blessing, encouragement and inspiration to those who read it.
Writing this blog post is vulnerable, but I am tired of letting the weight of fear stop me. I choose to trust that God has not given me a spirit of fear and I am printing this image out and putting it on my computer as a reminder for the weekend writing workshop. I hope it inspires you to step into a fear and find freedom. I will let you know how it goes…
Do you let fear stop you? What things are you afraid of doing that just the act of doing them could set you free?
Thank you to Susan Brady for sharing this image.