I just read Jen lemen’s post about her new nephew, elegant, poetic prose about cousins and the wonder of family, written while hiding out in the bathroom to get her post off… (http://www.jenlemen.com/archives/000794.html)
while i was reading…three storms of emotions hit..a convergence of emotions that caught me off guard, unsuspecting…creating the perfect storm for this post…storm #1) news of a new baby…always leaves me longing…and Jen Lemen’s vibrant description of her home is familiar and juxtaposed with storm#2) my kids cousins, 2 1/2 year old twin girls, Sam and Alex….the liveliness that invades out teenage home a few times each week, but every Wednesday for their short little lives, have just left with their mom, with only three Wednesdays left until they move away to NC, taking such a part of me with them…toys cover the floor, as storm #3 walks through the door, my son, my ‘baby’, 14 years old, and suddenly taller than me…sweaty from his basketball game, his clumsy feet tripping over the little people bus, that i have yet to put away…and i sit back, view a camera type view as it pulls away from center stage, struck by these three strange events that converge to bring tears to my eyes at the passage of time… at the level of control that i do not have, at the realities that are neither good nor bad… they just are… and my heart hurts.