It is Never to late…
It is up to us to make the choice, to stand apart, to take the risk, to choose to create the life we want… 1 choice at a time.
Most people won’t choose to be different, to dare to dream and take action on their dreams. It is uncomfortable at time, requires discipline, sacrifice and commitment. But those who do choose to believe that it is never too late, that they can make a difference, to believe & act on their dreams… create a life that most people only “wish” for.
I once heard Oprah say, “you can start a diet in the middle of a bag of potato chips.”
I love that attitude… just do it, begin now, it is never too late!
Did you know that Ray Kroc was 52 when he founded McDonalds? After 2 years of trying to raise money and being told no each time. In fact one of his good friends, a successful business man told him, “there is no way you can make money selling hamburgers.”
Ray Kroc believed differently… and his belief and action has changed the world and the way we eat.
Ray Kroc knew it was never too late!
Ray Kroc held fast to his dream!
Ray Kroc took action!
What do you want in your life?
Are you willing to dream it and take 1 step each day toward making yor dreams a reality?
Our choices, our attitude, our actions are the key to our dreams!
Make great choices today! Cultivate a positive & possibility attitude! Take Action!
We can Choose to create our best life!