How to Overcome Fear with a Growth Mindset?
Have you ever had a fear that kept you from fully living your life? Has your fear ever stopped you from living your dream? If this sounds like you, I assure you that many people and even I have felt the same.
Understanding the Growth Mindset
Fear is a powerful emotion. It stops us from embracing adventures and opportunities or experiencing new things. But by cultivating a growth mindset, we can counter our fear. A growth mindset develops your ability to embrace the challenges and take every situation as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Face the Challenges
At many points in my life, fear has readied its loud voice. In fact, fear almost stopped me from taking a risk on a new business opportunity. Fearful that I didn’t know enough or would not be able to deliver on all that was expected of me, I almost said no and missed out on an incredible and profitable experience.
We all experience different fears in our lives. It can be as big as starting a new business or as little as going down a water slide. The key is to reflect on how fear stops you from achieving your goals or living the life of your dreams.
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
A growth mindset is a belief that says intelligence can be developed. By learning and adapting, you will understand how to create and improve your abilities. You will start embracing challenges and staying persistent.
A fixed mindset is a belief that says intelligence is static and avoids challenges. If you have a fixed mindset, you can choose to change it into a growth mindset.
Next time you are in a situation where your fear stops you from taking a risk or trying something new, look for a learning opportunity. If you hear negative feedback, don’t let your fear of failure hold you back; instead, take a different approach. Think ‘It’s ok. Every failure is an opportunity to grow!”
10 Ways to Conquer Your Fears
It is not always easy to overcome fear. However, the right approach can help to overcome your fear and increase your confidence. Let me share some steps that can help you overcome your fears.
Recognize a fear
Fear is usually associated with shame. People feel reluctant to share their fears and hold them. If you accept the problem, it becomes easier to solve it. Fear is our problem; recognize it.
Positive Attitude
Declare you are going to conquer the fear. Don’t let past experiences bother you or let your motivation go down. Embrace it with a positive attitude and focus on the journey
Expect the Unexpected
Changing your way of thinking may not be a straightforward process. You may feel anxious or stressed. But the exciting thing here is how you take that. Rather than resign thinking, ‘It is who I am,’ choose a growth mindset and say, ‘Being anxious is an emotion, and I can cope with it.’
Don’t be too hard on yourself
Everyone is different. I always tell my clients – and myself _ “Don’t be too hard on yourself. We are all growing and becoming. Sometimes things will work out, and other times they won’t. Assess why things went badly and do the work to change and grow. Beating yourself up is a waste of time.
Focus your attention
Keep your focus on the target. The longer you stay focused while handling your anxiety, the more you’ll understand how to overcome fear.
Motivate yourself with affirmations
Words matter a lot. Words can shape or break your strength. Empower yourself with confidence and affirmation. Repeat the mantra, ‘You’ve got this.’
Face the Fear
Name the fear. Then, take a step forward towards your goal with a determination that you are leaving the fear behind.
Let go and have fun!
Remind yourself to take a deep breath. You have done well, no matter how big or small your achievement. Remind yourself that you have learned something during the process.
Appreciate yourself
Difficult situations often bring negative feelings, so it is important to appreciate yourself.
Reflect on the process
Moving through fear takes intentional work. Try this: Write personal notes of the fears that keep you from living the life you want. Follow the growth mindset approach and challenge yourself to face them. This will move you forward with a growth mindset as a person who moves beyond fear to achievement.