How our relationships impact every part of our day!
Relationships impact every area of our lives. If we want to succeed in this world, we must be able to create meaningful and lasting relationships. Everyone longs to have rewarding personal relationships: enjoyable friendships, a deep and committed love, sustaining and supportive bonds with our kids and family.
We also need successful professional relationships. We desire connection; we even try to work at them, but relationships are not always fulfilling, satisfying or going well. Unfortunately, we often settle for average.
We muddle through: more roommates than romance with our spouse, our kids have more interactions with their Smartphones than with us and sometimes we are too tired to care. Our friendships feel “surfacey,” our extended family communicates only when there is a crisis, and our business relationships are more transactional than creative and synergistic… Does this sound familiar?
Have you settled for average when what you really want is awesome or at least better relationships?
Are you aware of how mediocre, difficult, tension-‐filled, lonely relationships significantly impact every area of your life?
We are emotional beings. Even though we try to be logical and rational, our emotions and feelings intrude, especially those related to our relationships, and spill over into all aspects of our lives.
Take a moment to think about a time when you were happy, content, or had enjoyed some positive aspects in a relationship.
How did the rest of your day go? Were you in a better mood?
I imagine your outlook was more positive: car windows down, radio on, traffic on the commute wasn’t a big deal, work hassles didn’t bug you; your day just went smoothly. Maybe your good mood extended into confidence that helped you land a big client, have patience with your teen, or give you extra energy for your spouse.
Relationships impact our life in ways we are often unaware of as our day unfolds.
See if you can pay more attention to their impact in the big and little ways, then share your insights and experiences below.
excerpt from Listen, Learn, Love: How to Dramatically Improve Your Relationships in 30 Days or Less!