day 32- Lenten Journey-2014
Read: Psalm 7
Today I spent the day at the IJM Global Prayer Gathering.
I heard stories of
- darkness, oppression and evil.
- delays, bribery,
- men laughing at the thought of being held accountable for their crimes.
- corrupt officials
- business and profit more valuable the lives of children
- families selling a child to slavery to provide for the other siblings
- brothels where $3 bought time with a 13 yr old girl
- falsely accused and imprisoned fathers, husbands, and sons
I heard stories of:
- workers investigating crimes against women and children
- field agents rescuing boys sold into slave labor
- 1000 intercessors at church in Cebu
- lawyers prosecuting a case for 6 years till justice was served
- abusers, traffickers, slave traders convicted and sentenced to 7-23 years of prison
- perseverance
- aftercare workers binding up wounds of body and soul
- rescue and redemption
- healing and hope
- miracles from the Hand of God.
I wept, prayed, stood in awe, knelt in silence, joined hands and lifted voices for God to be profoundly present in each of these stories and to bring justice to the oppressed.
Psalm 7 is a song of Justice.
I come to your for protection, O Lord my God. Save me from my persecutors- rescue me!
Arise, O Lord, in anger!
Stand against the fury of my enemies! Wake up, My God and bring justice.
End the evil of those who are wicked, and defend the righteous.
God is my shield; saving those whose hearts are right and true.
God is an honest judge, He is angry with the wicked every day.
He will sharpen his sword, He will bend and string His bow.
He will prepare his deadly weapons and shoot flaming arrows.
The wicked conceive evil. They are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies.
They dig a deep pit to trap others and they fall into it themselves.
The trouble they make for others backfires on them, the violence they plan falls on their own heads.
I will thank the LORD because He is just;
I will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.
God can protect and save; He is at work even when we don’t see it. His hand is moving on behalf of His children.
Clinging to God, holding fast to what is true as we take action in deeds and prayer is the only hope in the fight for justice.
In the face of great evil; God is Greater.
- Will you pray the words of this Psalm over those who are in bondage, trapped in slavery
- some longing for freedom
- others whose hope is fading…
- Will you pray with me that God will move mightily and bring Justice?
- What is the something that God is calling you to do on behalf of the oppressed? (see day 3:
Isaiah 58:9-10
“If you do away with the yoke of oppression, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness and your night will become like the noon day.”
Our actions in obedience to God’s word will bring The Light in to the darkness. He will use us to proclaim the good news, bind up the broken hearted, proclaim freedom for the captives.
Luke 4:18 Jesus quoted from Isaiah 61:1 about His ministry here on earth:
The Spirit of the Lord is Upon me, because he has anointed Me to proclaim the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.
We are called to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. We are called to “do justice”
Micah 6:8 “HE has shown you, o man what is good and what the Lord requires of you. To do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.”
At different times during the day, feelings of overwhelm threatened to swallow me, helpless in how to make a difference.
Then I head this quote from Mother Teresa, when she was asked if she was worried about being successful in her work and if the problems of poverty in Calcutta were too overwhelming.
“God has not called me to be successful. God calls me to be faithful.”
Faithfulness today was praying, holding our hope, standing in the gap, interceding, and worshiping a God who is Great and Good, even when I don’t see the results I desire.
We sang this song in worship this evening and in it I found comfort and hope; may it do the same for you.
God, I look to You (lyrics)
God I look to You, I won’t be overwhelmed
Give me vision to see things like You do
God I look to You, You’re where my help comes from
Give me wisdom; You know just what to do
I will love You Lord my strength
I will love You Lord my shield
I will love You Lord my rock forever
All my days I will love You God
Hallelujah our God reigns
Hallelujah our God reigns
Hallelujah our God reigns forever
All my days Hallelujah
Digging Deeper:
Read and reflect on this article from Relevant Magazine: “What is Biblical Justice?”
Read and reflect on Jesus and Justice:
Investigate what organizations are working for Justice in your area and pray about how God may be calling you to be involved. We are all called to the work of justice:
- Micah 6:8
- Isa 58
- 67 Verses about Social Justice:
Sign up for the IJM weekly prayer email to be part of a global prayer group that the field workers say is essential to their ministry. (
Daily Lectionary Readings:
Jeremiah 11:18-20, Psalm 7; John 7:40-53
If you want to read through the New Testament during Lent (about 1/2 hour a day)
Read on Day 32: Galatians 1-end