Clothed in Christ’s Righteousness
I know my sinfulness, it is ever before me, it haunts me day and night. (Ps. 53:1)
Awareness of my sinfulness shows up as shaming words, self-contempt and frantic efforts to try harder and be a “good” Christian. Scrambling away from my sin -hiding and pretending it isn’t “so bad,” or that tomorrow I will try harder -is exhausting! Can you relate?
But into the chaos – of beating ourselves up, trying to fix it, earn forgiveness, or to get it right – God speaks, “There is no remedy for your sin except the blood of Christ.”
Sometimes, I fool myself into thinking my efforts might earn me some heavenly brown points or impress God or garner a bit more love or favor… and that mindset is sinful.
Nothing we do can add a drop of righteousness or impact God’s love for us. When I try to earn forgiveness and grace, I forget that it is a priceless gift.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus…
Sin usually leads to shame and silence rather than sorrow , repentance and reveling in forgiveness and grace.
I love the beauty of repentance: the relief of confessing my sin, the wonder of having my burden lifted, the peace and hope that infuse my soul and mind because my eternity is not dependent on me, but is secure in Christ.
[Tweet “I love the beauty of repentance: the relief of confessing my sin, because my eternity is not dependent on me, but is secure in Christ.”] My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.
This old hymn (remixed by Hillsong) ran through my head as I read todays She Reads Truth devotional.
The brutal offensiveness of the cross is hope and life to us.
This is the Good News! Jesus came and died for you and for me. We are asked to believe in and receive Him as our Saviour – the answer to our sin. Easter is my favorite day of the year, because it is at the empty tomb that we find life, forgiveness and the Best News EVER in the Risen Lord.
We come to Jesus with clothed in sinful rags – with a bucketful of our efforts to be “good” righteous, notebooks full of self-condemning words, frantically trying to be worthy – and He says, “Repent and receive My Righteousness. It is finished. I have paid your debt. You are declared forgiven, righteous, clean…because of Me.”
Sometimes, I fear we are too focused on our sinfulness and not enough on the dignity that is ours by virtue of being created in God’s image, forgiven and declared righteousness by the blood of Christ, coupled with the Indwelling Holy Spirit. We are forever changed when we receive Christ. The Holy Spirit becomes our constant companion, guide and personal trainer in all things godly.
I am not saying we should ever water down sin or our need for the costly and precious blood of Christ. But once we come to the foot of the cross in repentance and receive Christ as our Saviour, we are invited to celebrate the empty tomb.
Clothed in His Righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the Throne.
We can choose to live with incredible hope and security as our righteousness is found in Christ and Christ alone. We can stop trying hard to get it right, and just lean into the work God is doing in our hearts, minds and actions as He grows us, changes us from one degree of glory to the next.
This is not a denial of sin and our need for Christ, but a commitment to embrace forgiveness and live in Grace. When God sees us, we are clothed in Jesus’ righteousness. Beautiful, pure, holy, forgiven… beloved.
I envision a beautiful white robe- that covers my jealousy, selfishness, greed, fear, disobedience, silly efforts to prove my worthiness – as I am washed clean by the blood of Christ. This image gives me peace and boldness to approach the throne of Grace.
We can come to God sorrowful and repentant for our sin, but confident in forgiveness and grace because we are clothed in the Righteousness of Christ!
[Tweet “This is not a denial of sin and our need for Christ, but a commitment to embrace forgiveness and live in Grace.”]
My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.
When Darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, his covenant, his blood supports me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way, he then is all my hope and stay.
When he shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in him be found!
Dressed in his righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne!
(Refrain) my hope