The Relationship Alphabet w/ Zach Brittle,LMHC ~ BRP#009
The Better Relationship Podcast Episode #009
The Relationship Alphabet with Special Guest Zach Brittle
Podcast Audio & Show Notes
Summary: In his new book, The Relationship Alphabet, Zach Brittle, LMHC, offers the ABC’s to Better Connection for Couples, reflecting not only on his work as couples therapist, but by sharing about his own marriage as well. We talk Arguments, Betrayal, Conflict and more… in this authentic interview, between friends and colleagues seeking to understand the mess & mystery of marriage.
Personal Note:
This is a unique interview- my first with a fellow marriage therapist. Zach and I were in graduate school together, back in the years when he was practically a newlywed. (You know, the young and fun years of marriage!) While John and I were the old married folks in the class and gratefully the reality of kids, marriage, and mania didn’t scare him and his wife off!
Blessed with a friendship with his lovely wife, he came along, dazzled our kids with his soccer skills, broke our plate glass window, and wowed me with his wordsmithery! So when I heard Zach’s book was coming out, I couldn’t wait to have him on my show!
I have to say, his book is Terrific! Every couple should read it, together and discuss the questions A-Z! Couples will see themselves in it, and gain hope and help for their marriage, as they learn alongside Zach. He is the real deal, down to earth, wise and humorous. I can’t recommended The Relationship Alphabet highly enough and believe this episode is one every married couple needs to hear! Thanks Zach!
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It’s THAT Good!
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