“Waiting…like Sarah and Hannah… like Ruth and Esther… like Mary and Elizabeth…waiting…is that not part of the very fabric of […]
Thankful for Modern Medicine
In the midst of all this postmodern talk, i want to put in a brief plug for modern medicine (read=with […]
Kate comes home!
Today is a big day at our house! today, our oldest daughter, Kate comes home from her freshman year […]
just around the bend

tonight, as i sat in my sunroom writing, reading, researching…listening to the music of the rain in the skylights and […]
Why I write G-d
I have been asked why I write “G-d” in this manner. the answer is simple really. it is the way […]
empty pages & blank canvases

i have so much to write about, and so little time to do it…every time i sit down, one of […]
blogging addicted and being a mom

“hi, i’m susie and i’m addicted to blogging…” “hi, susie…” it is good friday, a day of quiet and contemplation,it […]
Rainy Days

It’s raining today… gray skies, drizzle, sometimes, bursts of water fall from the sky, wind blows the rain into my […]
mixed messages…super mom/sexy mom or both?
Yesterday, instead of writing or cleaning up the piles of paper that litter my floor or the myriad of my […]
Kate Rocks

My daughter Kate is doing the Relay for Life, supporting cancer research. She is doing it because she […]
my sunshines…
you are my sunshines, my only sunshines, you make me happy when skies are gray, you’ll never know alex & […]
I just read Jen lemen’s post about her new nephew, elegant, poetic prose about cousins and the wonder of family, […]
in the midst…SeLaH

SeLaH…a pause, a moment of stillness, of existing…in the midst of… SeLaH is the Hebrew word used throughout the Psalms […]
Hotel Rwanda
This past weekend, I saw the movie, Hotel Rwanda, Profound, powerful film. A magnificently told story, whose raw emotional impact […]