25-25-25 Wellness Challenge
If you have been on my site, twitter or FB page in the past few days, then you know about the loss of a dear friend. God laid it on my heart this morning to do 1 day at a time, extended wellness journey both personally and with others. so i am offeirng the 25-25-25- Wellness Challenge. (this is not just about physical health- it is so much more! so check out the details at a post on my blog at
25-25-25 Wellness Challenge will give you FREE Coaching, training, give-aways… but more importantly- the chance to wake up on Christmas day in a different place because you made 1 choice each day!
This is a gift to you and to anyone you would like to shre it with- in honor of lives lost too soon, and gratitude for the gift of life that continues. time for some much needed down time… and